
News21 Aug 1999

Women's Pole Vault


Gold MedallistStacy  DRAGILA (USA)
'18 jumps! Really, I didn't want to take that many attempts but I was feeling a little unconfident with my technique. I am still developing as is the whole event. I think 5 meters will be a similar barrier like 6 meters is for the men. This mark can be achieved as soon as next year and I am going to be in there. Maybe we'll see this kind of spectacular competition at five meters in Sydney.'
Silver Medallist - Anzhela BALAKHONOVA (UKR)
"This is not the time to reflect on my performance as I'm far to emotional. I will consider where I lost the gold when I have rested and my head is clearer. It was a long competition but I felt confident throughout. The fact that I was in the lead right up until the conclusion makes it even harder to face this result."
Bronze Medallist - Tatiana GRIGORIEVA (AUS)
'I've had an excellent season and so I was confident I could jump for the medals. I knew I would get one of them. Today was not the best day for me because I always look to fulfill my full potential. I didn't do this today, I could have jumped higher. On reflection I am sure I will see that you cannot be disappointed when you are a part of such a great competition.'
Medalla de oro - DRAGILA, Stacy (USA)
"!18 saltos! Realmente no queria hacer tantos intentos pero me sentia un poco insegura con mi tecnica. Yo todavia me estoy desarrollando como el resto de la prueba. Pienso que la barrera de los 5 metros sera similar a la de los 6 en hombres. Esta marca puede conseguirse la proxima temporada y yo voy a estar alli. Puede ser que veamos esta espectacular competicion sobre los 5 metros en Sidney".
Medalla de plata - BALAKHONOVA, Anzhela (UKR)
"Este no es tiempo de reflexionar sobre mi actuacion porque no tengo nada de emotiva. Tengo que pensar donde perdi el oro cuando haya descansado y mi cabeza se haya aclarado. Ha sido una competicion muy larga pero me he sentido en todo momento confiada. El hecho de haber estado en cabeza hasta el final hace incluso mas dificil de encarar este resultado".
Medalla de bronce - GRIGORIEVA, Tatiana (AUS)
"He tenido una excelente temporada y por lo tanto confiaba en poder luchar por las medallas. Yo sabia que podria conseguir una de ellas. Hoy no era mi mejor dia porque busco siempre mi maximo potencial. No lo consegui porque podria haber saltado mas. Pero pensandolo bien creo que no puedo estar desencantada al haber formado parte de una gran competicion como esta".
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