IaafNews02 May 2018

IAAF supports UN Environment 'BreatheLife Challenge'


BreatheLife Challenge (© UNEP)

As part of its drive to strengthen sustainable and environmentally-friendly processes within the organisation, the IAAF is delighted to support UN Environment's BreatheLife Challenge, the first in a series of the organisation's campaigns to mobilise citizens to act in their own interest for better air quality and better health.

BreatheLife is a joint campaign led by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Environment (UNEP) and the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) to mobilize cities and individuals to protect our health and planet from the effects of air pollution.

Among the project's aims is to rally people to walk, bike and use public transportation to clean the air around them and take a pledge to reduce air pollution emissions by "a marathon a month", the equivalent of 42 kilometres of car use.

This month, the World Health Organisation, a co-leader of the initiative, will release new data on the state of air pollution in the world, making public the latest air pollution levels and trends from 4000 cities. Armed with those figures, UNEP and the WHO will be challenging more cities to join the growing BreatheLife network and encouraging individuals to call on their city leaders to do more to combat air pollution in their communities.

For more on the campaign, visit breathelife2030.org.


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