
News26 Nov 2009

A close look at Reese Hoffa's winning throw at the 2007 World Championships in Athletics


This article focuses on Reese Hoffa’s winning throw in the men’s shot put at the 2007 IAAF World Championships in Athletics in Osaka. Although Hoffa, who uses the rotational technique, has been a solid, top-level performer for some years, he lacks the height of most elite shot putters and thus has a disadvantage with regards to release height. His 22.04m throw in Osaka was analysed in a biomechanical study published in NSA in 2008. Using both the study’s findings and the video material on which it was based, the author takes a careful look at the throw from a coach’s point of view in order to see what can be learned about how the throw happened and the practical lessons that can be drawn.  He details the phases of the throw, emphasising features of Hoffa’s style including his unique footwork, his body positioning and his superior release.  Also discussed are some of the original study’s key findings, including release velocity, shot path trajectory and the time course of the shot velocity. The article concludes with confirmation that Hoffa was able to win on the day because of a superior balance of linear and angular momentum and advice for coaches of young throwers.
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