IaafNews08 Nov 1999

Condolences and tributes to Dr Primo Nebiolo


Primo Nebiolo

It would be impossible for us to publish all of the thousands of tributes and condolences received on the sad occasion of the death of President Primo Nebiolo. We are all touched by your thoughts and consideration.

Here are just a few of the messages received by the IAAF.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia - Sus Majestades los Reyes de España

"De sus Majestades los Reyes

Al tener conocimiento de la triste noticia del fallecimiento de su esposo, quien tanto hizo por el atletismo mundial, queremos hacerle llegar nuestro más sentido pesame, con nuestro recuerdo más afectuosos.."

Juan Antonio Samaranch, President International Olympic Committee

"It was indeed with profound sadness that I learnt of the sudden death of my colleague and friend, IOC member and President of IAAF, Primo Nebiolo. Please accept my sincere condolences.."

Carl Lewis

"I just learned today of the passing of Dr. Nebiolo. I would like to express my deepest sympathy for his wife, Giovanna, and his family. I always considered Dr. Nebiolo a personal friend. Without his leadership, athletics would probably not be as open and professional as we now find it. The sports world will miss Dr. Nebiolo."

Hicham El Guerrouj

"En mon nom personnel et en celui de l'ensemble des athlètes marocains, nous vous adressons nos condoléances les plus attristées suite au décès du père de l'athlétisme, le Président Primo Nebiolo.
Cette perte éternelle nous laisse consternés car le regretté Président était pour l'athlétisme, auquel il a consacré toute sa vie vie, le symbole de la performance, de la gloire et de la grande sportivité. Son nom restera à jamais gravé dans les pages glorieuses de ce prestigieux sport, qui grâce au dévoument, au courage et à la foi de feu Nebiolo est devenu un sport prestigieux, respecté et admiré.
Puisse Dieu nous donner le courage de continuer son oeuvre et d'être dignes de son nom. Aussi, nous faisons le serment solennel de rester fidèles à ses principes et de hisser haut l'étendard de l'athlétisme.
Puisse Dieu avoir en sa sainte miséricorde ce grand homme et nous donner tout le courage de supporter cette dure et douloureuse épreuve."

Joseph Blatter - FIFA President

"It was with a feeling of overwhelming sorrow that I lerned of the death of your eminent and versatile leader, President Primo Nebiolo.
Ture to his name, Primo was a leading figure on the world syage of sport and an innovative negociator in business administration. For 18 tireless years at the helm of the IAAF, Mr Nebiolo steered the IAAF with verve, masterminding the transformation of the once fledging federation into one of the most prosperous sports institutions in the worls. Not content with protecting and nurturing his huge family of athletes, he also acted as the father figure and the benefactor of the international students' sports institution for well over a generation.
Mr nebiolo's passing away will leave a vacuum in the lives of everyone who knew him. His drive, initiative and sense of duty have left indelebile mark on the world of sport."

Dr Awoture Eleaye - General Secretary of teh Supreme Council for Sport in Africa

"Dr Nebiolo certainly cut an enviable niche in the world of Track and Field Athletics which will be difficult to obliterate. He was simply outstanding."

Mustapha Larfaoui
President of Algerian Olympic Committee, President of FINA (International Swimming Federation)

"Au nom de l'ensemble de la famille de FINA, je vous adresse mes condoléances les plus attristées à la suite du décés de mon regretté grand ami Primo Nebiolo, un homme qui a marqué de son empreinte le sport mondial, en général, et l'athlétisme en particulier..."

Professor Anwar Chowdhry, President International Amateur Boxing Association

"Kindly accept my heartfelt condolences on this tragic loss.
He was a great leader and served the cause of sports selflessly. May God give you and your family the courage to bear this loss.."

Ron Froehlich - President International World Games Association

"It is with deep regret that we learned of the passing away of Dr. Primo Nebiolo who was very instrumental in bringing sport as a whole to the front. His support for all the federations, not only his own in track and field, was well appreciated by many."

Joe Douglas - Santa Monica Track Club

"We feel Primo has diligently worked to make track and field a professional sport free of steroid use. His efforts to bring money into the sport has made it possible for many great athletes to continue to compete and bring the sport to a higher level of visibility. He has done more for Track and Field than any other person in the history of our sport"

Aldo Notari, President International Baseball Association

"On behalf of the International Baseball Association and on my own behalf, I would like to express our deepest sorrow for the irreparable loss of our dear friend Primo Nebiolo..."

Klaus Schormann, President - Joël Bouzou, General Secretary
Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne

"It is with deep sadness that we have received the information that Dr Nebiolo, IOC member, ASOIF and IAAF President and close friend of UIPM has passed away.  We kindlt ask you to receive our deeply felt condolences... We will never forget what President Nebiolo did for the sport in general and for Modern Pentathlon in particular.."

Zhenliang HE, IOC member

"C'est avec un grand chagrin que j'ai appris le décès de mon collègue et ami, M. Primo Nebiolo, un grand leader du sport mondial. Son Décès est une grande perte irrémparable pour tout le mouvement olympique. Nous garderons longtemps dans notre mémoire tous les exploits que M. Nebiolo a réalisés pour le développement du sport et pour la cause de l'amitié entre la jeuness mondiale..."

Chris Cohen, Chairman International Paralympic Committee Athletics Section

"I was very saddened to hear the unhappy news of the death of Dr Nebiolo... Dr Nebiolo had been a great friend to the disabled athletics movement and had ensured the success of our Exhibition Events at both your own Championships and the Olympic Games. I would take the opportunity of this sad occasion to say that we and our athletes will remain very grateful for that support, and will have fond memories of the part Dr Nebiolo has played in our history.."

Enrique Sanz
President IBSA - International Blind Sports Federation

"Lamente profundamente la pérdida del Dr. Nebiolo, Presidente de la IAAF, gran impulsor del atletismo y valedor del deporte.
En el caso de la IBSA esta pérdida es especialmente dolorosa, ya que el Dr. Nebiolo facilito de forma singular el mayor logro del deporte de ciegos en su historia: nuestra partcipacion en Sevilla 99.
EL Dr Nebiolo ha sido uno de los pocos galardonados con nuestra maxima distinction, el "Victor Ludorum", y quedara para siempre en nuestro recuerdo con el mayor agradecimiento."

Yushiro Yagi
President, Japanese Olympic Committee

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi
Honorary President, Japanese Olympic Committe

"It is with great sorrow that I have heard the sad news of the sudden and untimely passing of Dr Primo Nebiolo. The void left by the loss of such a gifted leader will be hard to fill.
Please accept our heartfelt condolence and our deepest sympathy to his family and associates."

Kipchoge Keino, Chairman Kenya National Olympic Committee

"We have learned with great sorrow the shocking news of the untimely death of Primo Nebiolo the President of IAAF... I have known Mr Nebiolo for over a decade. The late Mr Nebiolo will be remembered for his dedication to sports administration, particularly athletics, and to the promotion of Olympism. His demise is not only a loss to his family and the IAAF, but to all of those of us who knew him and the sporting world in general...."

Milan Ercegan
President FILA - Fédération Internationale des Luttes Associées

"C'est avec une profonde douleur que nous avons appris le départ subi de votre Président, le Dr Primo Nebiolo. Au nom de tous les membres du bureau de la FILA et en mon nom, je vous demande de transmettre notre sincère sympathie à l'épouse du Dr Nebiolo, à toute sa famille, à ses proches et à ses collaborateurs."

Kihachiro Onitsuka, Chairman - Yoshiyuki Takahashi, President

"It is with great sorrow that we received the sad news of the sudden and untimely passing of your President, Dr Primo Nebiolo.
We know how much he meant to you and how much he endeavoured for the development not only of the athletic world, but also for the Olympic world as a fine leader...."

Jack Agrios Q.C.
Chairman Edmonton 2001

"We wish to express our deepest sympathy and offer our condolences to the IAAF family on the sudden loss of IAAF President Dr Primo Nebiolo.
Dr BNebiolo was a true champion of athletics around the world. His commitment to the growth of the IAF was unparalleled resulting in international recognition of the sport, its competitors and member federations...... His participation in Edmonton in 2001 will be sorely missed.."

Gianni Gola
President of Fidal

"Sono profondamente addolorato. La scomparsa di Nebiolo lascia un vuoto davvero incolmabile. Non soltanto per il mondo dell'atletica, ma per tutto lo sport internazionale. La sua passione, la sua dedizione, sono stato davvero proverbiale. Il nome di Nebiolo può certamente essere inscrito nel novero dei dirigenti sportivi internazionali più grandi di sempre...Da oggi ci sentiamo un po' più soli."

Claude Achkar
Ancien membre de la comission technique de l'AAAA
Journaliste sportif.

"Nous venons par la présente nous associer au deuil de la grande famille de l'athlétisme suite à la perte du président de notre organisme M. Primo Nebiolo. Nous tenons également en ce moment de tristesse à évoquer l'oeuvre réalisée par notre cher regretté président. Durant les 18 ans de mandat de M.Nebiolo, l'athlétisme a effectué un tel bond en avant qui l'a finalement placé à la véritable place qui aurait du toujours être la sienne, la première.

A sa famille, à tous les membres du bureau de l'IAAF, à tous les amis de l'athlétisme, nous vous prions de trouver dans ces lignes l'expression de nos sentiments les plus profonds."

Jose Maria Lombardo
Journalist (Uruguay)

Con un profundo dolor he recibido la noticia del fallecimiento del Dr. Nebiolo, hago llegar a todos los integrantes de la IAAF mis condolencias en este triste momento para toda la familia atlética y que su recuerdo nos haga redoblar fuerzas para seguir trabajando como el quería por nuestro querido deporte.

Carlos Ochoa Aranda,
Sports journalist(Mexico)

" Quiero manifestar mi pesar por la muerte del señor Primo Nebiolo, quien fue determinante para que el atletismo mundial tocara las puertas del cielo. Descanse en Paz"

Leoluca Orlando
Mayor of Palermo (Italy)

"Con la morte di Primo Nebiolo non scompare soltatnto un grande dirigente sportivo che ha speso la sua intera vita per la promozione dell'atletica, tanto a livello agonistico quanto a livello amatoriale. Muore oggi un Italiano che ha tenuto alto nel mondo l'orgoglio di essere cittadino della nostra nazione. Ma muore anche un grande amico di Palermo e della Sicilia.."

Prof. Newton Bittencourt dos Santos
Coach Atletics - UFRGS (Brazil)

"In my name, I mourns together with the Olympic family people for the passing away of Dr. Primo Nebiolo.
I am deeply sorry and would like to express my solidarity to the whole Nebiolo ’family' and IAAF community grieving over this huge loss for all. Dr. Nebiolo honoured the entire world with his charisma, competence and work in sports administration.
Please, accept my most heartfelt feelings over the lost of such a noble and human character who knew to embellish and represent the spirit of the Olympic games and its ideals..."

Norris Pritam
Sports writer (India)

"I was shocked to read the news about the sad demise of Dr Primo Nebiolo. He was a great leader and his death world athletics has lost a dynamic leader. He did a great service to make athletics a spectacular and popular sport.

On behalf of Indian sports community I condole his death."

Javier Landeta García
Presidente Club de Atletismo de la Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)

"Deseamos hacer llegar a toda la familia atlética, y a su familia en especial, nuestro más sincero y sentido pésame por el fallecimiento del Dr. Nebiolo, a quien tuvimos el honor de conocer durante la celebración del Campeonato del Mundo de Cross del año 1.993, en Amorebieta, y del que guardamos un excelente recuerdo. Descanse en paz."




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